Meet me. Nice to meet you.

Meet Fredrick, a talented software engineer with extensive experience in Java, Javascript, React, Node.js, Material UI, Interaction Design, UI Design, API Design, API and Web Security, and Flutter. With a passion for learning and exploration, Fredrick has a natural curiosity and a positive, optimistic outlook on life.
As a charming and positive individual, Fredrick is not only a skilled developer but also a great collaborator, able to work effectively in teams to achieve shared goals. With an appreciation for history and a keen interest in the future, Fredrick is always looking for new opportunities to learn and share knowledge with others.
At the heart of Fredrick’s work is a belief in the power of technology for good. With a focus on African youth and African technology, Fredrick sees a bright future ahead, where innovative solutions can help to drive progress and create positive change.
With Fredrick’s diverse skillset and positive attitude, they are a valuable asset to any team or project. Whether working on the front-end or back-end of a system, developing new products, or working on security and API design, Fredrick brings creativity, passion, and a solutions-focused approach to his work.
In short, Fredrick is a driven and dynamic software engineer with a wealth of experience, a passion for learning, and a commitment to making a difference in the world through technology.